Q- What is comparable in Java?
Q- What is comparator in Java?
Q- How do you compare objects in Java?
Q- What is the difference between comparator and comparable in java ?
Q- Which is better comparator or comparable in Java?
Q- When to use Comparable or Comparator in Java?
Q- What is comparator in Java?
Q- How do you compare objects in Java?
Q- What is the difference between comparator and comparable in java ?
Q- Which is better comparator or comparable in Java?
Q- When to use Comparable or Comparator in Java?
Comparable interface is defined in java.lang package | Comparator is defined in java.util package |
It has public int compareTo(Object o) method. We have to provide implementation (override) of compareTo(Object o) in such a way that should return -1,0,1, while "this" object is less than, equal to, or greater than the object which we have to pass as argument. | It has public int compare (Object o1, Object o2) method . We have to provide implementation of compare (Object o1, Object o2) in such a way that should rerurn -1,0,1 while first object is less than, equal to, or greater than the second object . |
Comparable is used to implement natural ordering of object. All the java API and wrapper class implements Comparable interface by defaults. | This is used to sort in non-natural order, it means to sort on complex order. |
Any class which implements Comparable. its object can used as keys in a SortedMap like TreeMap without specifying any Comparator. | |
only one logic of sorting by implements Comparable, it means only can sorting on any one property. | Object can be sorted on multiple properties like id, name, email address etc. |
implements Comparable interface is required in a class to override compareTo(Object o) method. | Implements Comparator interface in a class is optional. Because we can create separate comparator class to override compare (Object o1, Object o2) method . |
Source class is required. Use : Collections.sort(list) method to sort | Source class not required its optional for this Use : Collections.sort(list, comparator) method to sort |
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