Core Spring Framework Annotations
Spring Framework Stereotype Annotations
Spring Boot Annotations
Spring MVC and REST Annotations
Composed @RequestMapping Variants
Spring Cloud Annotations
Spring Framework DataAccess Annotations
Cache-Based Annotations
Task Execution and Scheduling Annotations
Spring Framework Testing Annotations
- @Required
- @Autowired
- @Qualifier
- @Bean
- @Lazy
- @Value
Spring Framework Stereotype Annotations
- @Component
- @Controller
- @Repository
- @Service
Spring Boot Annotations
- @EnableAutoConfiguration
- @SpringBootApplication = @Configuration + @EnableAutoConfiguration + @ComponentScan
Spring MVC and REST Annotations
- @Controller
- @RequestMapping
- @CookieValue
- @CrossOrigin
Composed @RequestMapping Variants
- @GetMapping
- @PostMapping
- @PutMapping
- @PatchMapping
- @DeleteMapping
- @ExceptionHandler
- @InitBinder
- @Mappings and @Mapping
- @MatrixVariable
- @PathVariable
- @RequestAttribute
- @RequestBody
- @RequestHeader
- @RequestParam
- @RequestPart
- @ResponseBody
- @ResponseStatus
- @ControllerAdvice
- @RestController = @Controller + @ResponseBody
- @RestControllerAdvice = @ControllerAdvice + @ResponseBody
- @SessionAttribute
- @SessionAttributes
Spring Cloud Annotations
- @EnableConfigServer
- @EnableEurekaServer
- @EnableDiscoveryClient
- @EnableCircuitBreaker
- @HystrixCommand
Spring Framework DataAccess Annotations
- @Transactional
Cache-Based Annotations
- @Cacheable : To add data into cache
- @CachePut : To update data into cache while update into database
- @CacheEvict : To delete data from cache while deleting from database
- @CacheConfig : To configure cache
Task Execution and Scheduling Annotations
- @Scheduled
- @Async
Spring Framework Testing Annotations
- @BootstrapWith
- @ContextConfiguration
- @WebAppConfiguration
- @Timed
- @Repeat
- @Commit
- @RollBack
- @DirtiesContext
- @BeforeTransaction
- @AfterTransaction
- @Sql
- @SqlConfig
- @SqlGroup
- @SpringBootTest
- @DataJpaTest
- @DataMongoTest : To embedded MongoDB for running integration tests with Spring Data MongoDB.
- @WebMVCTest
- @AutoConfigureMockMVC
- @MockBean
- @JsonTest
- @TestPropertySource
Very helpful